Thursday, April 4, 2013


Prejudice usually begins when someone behaves or acts differently towards someone else without any reason. People usually make judgements against others without propersly getting to know them by experience. Prejudice usually comes from pre-judgemens made by people who may seem arrogant, ignorant, or irrevelant. Unfortunately, prejudice still exists. Even though we have tried to eliminate the barriers that prevent us from becoming equal, there are still subtle signs in our society that show us that prejudice still exists. There are still people out there who make pre-judgements against others due to stereotypes. In our society, there are stereotypes about race, gender, and ethnicity. These stereotypes represent how each group is portrayed and everyone percieves these stereotypes differently. These kind of stereotypes make it possible for prejudice to occur. Unfortunately, we can't really change the way that our society percieves these stereotypes. Our society has made it so that we don't really question our judgements against others, or understand that our judgements are wrong. This is why prejudice cannot be avoided in today's society due to our inability to understand that  our pre-judgements against others aren't always right. Our thoughts come from our consciousness and these thoughts against these different stereotypes are all within us. Our natural extinct is to listen to our gut feeling and judge people based on what we think. If we start to let ourselves get to know a person without judging them, we can find that our pre-judgments against them may be different from how they truly are. We need to give the chance to let people prove themselves to show that stereotypes and pre-judgements don't matter.


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